
Python qr code reader youtube
Python qr code reader youtube

python qr code reader youtube

Python is a programming language that provides different modules and packages that allow us to generate a QR code. In the following tutorial, we will learn to generate and read a QR code using the Python programming language.

  • QR codes have become so famous that now every new smartphone comes with a built-in QR code reader.
  • At the moment, QR codes are being utilized for a wide range of applications such as making online payments, checking hotel menus, sharing Wi-Fi passwords, obtaining cost and other information of products, and a lot more.
  • The popularity of the QR code has increased in the later 2010s with improvement in optical proficiencies of Mobile Phones and their extensive acceptance.
  • QR code was invented in the year 1994 by Masahiro Hara, a Japanese engineer from Automobile Manufacturer Denso Wave, in order to track the movement of car parts.
  • QR in QR code is abbreviated for Quick Response.
  • The QR code can be used to store a range of data.
  • python qr code reader youtube

    QR code is a machine-readable barcode designed in two-dimensional pixelated form.Next → ← prev Generate a QR Code using Python Understanding the QR Code

    #Python qr code reader youtube how to

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    Python qr code reader youtube